Why Consider Military Working Dog Adoptions

Military Working Dog Adoptions

Military Working Dog Adoptions

Having a dog brings wonderful feelings to the owner be it an adult or a child. One may choose to bring up a dog from a puppy and watch it grow up or simply adopt one that is an adult. Dogs make wonderful companions for children. Other than getting a dog from shelter homes, one can chose military dog adoption that have retired from active duty.

It is very inexpensive compared to breeding one. You also save the lives of those dogs which otherwise could be euthanized if they don’t find homes to adopt them. You can see the traits of the dog before adopting, this cannot be identified in a young puppy that is yet to develop and show their character traits.

A military dog has been thoroughly trained so the new owner will not have to take it through any house training or even chewing training. They also go along well with children due to their restraint training. This is very important since safety of our kids is paramount. Some dogs may be hyperactive but retired military dogs have this trait well under control.

Adopting a dog is very cheap especially when compared to buying one. The cost of raising a young dog is also very expensive if taken into account. As many dog owners can attest, the veterinary costs are just unbearable for a middle class family and buying a good quality dog is out of the reach for many.

The value attached to these dogs does not vanish when they retire. This is why they continue to get support all through in terms of special veterinary care at lower rates. One also gets free consultations especially if the dog has unique behavioral problems. They also get to participate in social even organized for retired dogs.

When one considers breeding new dogs to adopting the already bred ones, it is much better to adopt. This prevents overpopulation of dogs and in turn minimizes the cruelty dogs go through when they have to be killed to control their population. When all factors are considered, adopting a dog is best.

The process of adopting a dog from the military is not any difficult as may be feared. In the year 2000 a law was passed allowing retired dogs to be eligible for adoption into civilian life. A person just has to prove they are capable of caring for the dog humanly. You should show that you have in the past cared for dogs to the standard military dogs require care for example police and rescue dogs. The National K-9Enforcement Organization, the agency that deals with the adoption of military dogs should be contacted.

Prepare to fill relevant adoption papers and put in mind the government is not responsible for what happens to you after you take the dog. Some may be left aggressive due to the experience in service. You must agree not to hold the government liable for any harm afterwards. Those who have training in dog handling are much more likely to be approved for the military dog adoption. If you have worked in any law enforcement agency and are friendly to dogs, you also have better chances of getting to adopt a retired military dog.

Why Consider Military Working Dog Adoptions from Web Dogs Guide Official Site http://ift.tt/1jH1b45

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